Abigail's medical school adventures have taken her across the world: two years of classes on her American school's Caribbean campus in St. Maarten; one year of clinical rotations in hospitals outside London, England; and now a year of clinicals in New York City. She has spent her first several months on Long Island and now is moving to Brooklyn for her next placement in the Bronx.
While on Long Island, Abigail has been attending church at Christ Lutheran Church in Islip Terrace. Before Abigail moved to NYC, we discovered via Google Maps that a Lutheran church was located a matter of minutes from the house that she would be renting. So once Abigail got to Islip Terrace, she visited the church one Sunday ... and immediately found a church home away from our church home (St. John). The congregation welcomed her, fed her at church meals, invited her to their homes for holidays (knowing she was far from her family in North Dakota), and made a place for her in their choir.
Susan and I have been so grateful for the people of Christ Lutheran (people we have never met!) and the care they have shown for Abigail in the short time they have known her. And we have been proud as can be to hear Abigail performing music in their choir. For example, I highly recommend you make some time to watch this video of their annual Christmas concert, featuring Abigail in several solo moments alongside a group of impressive musicians.
However, even more moving to us was this morning's service, Abigail's last regular Sunday with this congregation. You can watch the entire service below or else go directly to these three particular moments, which had us in tears as we watched the livestream:
- 0:37:10 -- the pastor brings Abigail to the front to "bid farewell and Godspeed" to her and to pray for her, calling Abigail a blessing to the congregation and someone blessed to be a blessing to others
- 0:42:35 -- Abigail provides special music for the service, singing "You Raise Me Up" (many tears of pride!) ... and watch for how the congregation responds at the end of the song!
- 1:04:25 -- a member of the congregation speaks about their gratitude for Abigail's time with them and presents her with a card and a hug ... and watch for how the congregation responds when told that Abigail will be returning on Palm Sunday!