
Thursday, May 19, 2005

5 Recent Reasons to Be Happy

  1. I just had a date with my wife! This is always a big deal since it involves the finding and hiring of a babysitter and the determination of a night that is available to both of us. First, we went to Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith and quite enjoyed it, actually. I had read mixed reviews, but we were both pleased. Some of the acting was stiff, but the special effects were great, and the overall effect was super. I myself was recognized as Obi-Wan Kenobi by quite a few patrons of the movie, too. And I wasn't even in a costume--they just thought I look like Ewan McGregor, I guess. Hmm. Afterward, we went out to Suite 49 for beverages and appetizers. On a school night! Wow--aren't we wild?
  2. Summer is nearing. Not that my summer schedule will be any less hectic than my school-year one, necessarily. But it is always nice to take a rest from the grind of teaching and move on to a new grind for a few months. Spend some time outdoors. Attend a family reunion. Do some more PRACS studies. Progress with my Ph.D. program. That kind of stuff.
  3. My students rock! Could they be better? I don't think so. The Drama & Theatre crew are finishing up writing original plays that they will stage and perform next week. The American Literature (college credit) kiddos just finished creating some remarkable multigenre research projects. The English 11 students are turning in literary analysis compositions on American short stories, and the ones I've read so far are good. And Riley and Talon and Cap crack me up with their weekly vocabulary assignments. They could just write boring, functional sentences, but they take the time to use their smarts and their imagination to spice them up, make them funny, and STILL be correct. What a hoot! I think Andrew's will be a doozy this week, too (in Chinese?!). What'll I do without them all summer?
  4. There's been recent family contact, which is always nice. Last weekend my dad and stepmom were in town for my daughters' ballet recital, and this weekend our family is going to my dad and stepmom's home to attend my stepniece's wedding and my first-cousin-once-removed's graduation. It was fun to see dad's new fancy schmancy camper and pickup last weekend, too.
  5. It's graduation season. I don't like having to say goodbye to wonderful students who are seniors. However, I like reminiscing with them, attending their open houses, and communicating with them post-graduation when they're no longer in a "student" position to me. This year's seniors have asked me to give the address at their pre-graduation formal luncheon. That will be a fun challenge. Several of the students in this year's senior class were my students in English 9, English 10, English 11, Drama & Theatre, AND Advanced Writing! That's a lot of Moberg to take in four years!! I love 'em all and will miss them next year.


  1. Aw, I only had two years of Moberg, that is sad!!! I think you should fly here and speak at our dinner...or at Baccalaureate (at which I am singing...scary stuff!). Anyway, Good luck with your pre-graduation luncheon speech!

  2. Howdy, Mr. Moberg. I had you back when you were Damico's assistant. 1994, I belive. You probably don't remeber me though.

  3. If e.j.m. is Eric Macho, of course I remember you! I don't know Shelly Fire, though. Comment again with a bit more info, or e-mail me at
