
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Teachers with Bowling Balls

I did some bowling for health tonight. Our district's wellness committee has organized several activities throughout April and into May to get staff active in fun, non-intimidating ways. Susan and I were planning to join the festivities tonight--bowling at Liberty Lanes in East Grand Forks, MN--but she came home from work with a fever and dizziness. She went to lie down, and while she was napping, the babysitter arrived. I finished supper with the girls, and Susan got up from her nap. She had hoped to feel better afterward, but she didn't, so she went back to bed, and I left the girls with the babysitter while Susan slept!

After enough people had gathered at the bowling alley for six teams of four, I was appointed a team captain, and we began taking turns selecting people for our teams. I took Paula Hedlund (who teaches a unit on bowling in her phy ed classes, for Pete's sake) and Kirk and Nancy Misialek (I teach with Paula and Kirk). We were--how shall I say this?--inconsistent in our performances. But who cares? It was all for fun, and it was, indeed, fun. There were teachers there from three of the four school buildings in our district (New Heights Elementary, what up?!), and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Upcoming events: volleyball, dodgeball, and running.

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