
Thursday, October 11, 2007

IT'S SATURDAY on Thursday

The autumn display in the foyer of the girls' elementary school

The fourth- and fifth-graders at the girls' school had a program this evening (a Thursday) titled It's Saturday! As a fourth-grader herself, Suzanna was a part of the show. She auditioned for, and was chosen to sing, a solo, and she did a great job. The show was about what children like (sleeping in, watching cartoons) and dislike (doing chores, taking mandatory music lessons) about Saturdays, and Suzanna's solo came within the song "The Chore Song." She sang about the trials and tribulations of mowing the lawn--something she has never actually done, but she "sold" the song nevertheless! We were proud as punch of her clear and accurate voice, her breath control and projection, and her confidence and acting. (We would probably have been proud of her even had she sung terribly, but isn't nice that she didn't?)

We were also impressed with the singing abilities of all the other children and with their commitment to performing rather than standing lifelessly, rolling their eyes, barely opening their mouths, and/or spending their time scanning the audience for familiar faces (things we have seen in children's music programs elsewhere).

Abigail and Hillary have their own music programs upcoming. To be sure, they'll be featured here, too, when those occur.

Sing it out, Suzanna!


  1. How I wish I was able to attend these fun programs that we ourselves used to perform in! I had no doubt in Suzanna doing a great job! She sang parts of the song for me in the van when I was there! It sounded like a cute song.

  2. I think South Point did the It's Saturday show when my brother was there forever ago! It was cute...:)
