A recent Moberg family activity has been watching the entire Star Wars Ĺ“uvre as it has been broadcast on Spike TV. Why? How? With what results? All those questions are answered here (approximate portion of Pensive? No, Just Thinking readers who will bother to read that before proceeding: 12% . . . which is sad, because it's a cute story).
Anyway, after watching the movies, the girlies wanted to hear stories about my childhood love of everything Star Wars. I just so happen to have most of my Star Wars toys from when I was a boy, so off we went to the storage room to get out the toys. Handling each toy like a delicate religious artifact, I showed them each action figure (some of them now headless from being played with so much years ago) and miniature spaceships and my huge Millennium Falcon spaceship, explaining which movies each item is based upon and explaining how I used to play with them. And then they set about playing with them much the same way that I did: intermixing Star Wars toys with my other toys in games and situations of their own imagining. Thus, we get photos like this:
Why, yes, you are right! It's a Tusken Raider from the planet Tatooine!
The people and aliens from a galaxy far, far away ought to leave a little more distance between their fire truck and the farm tractor in front of them.
The Tusken Raider must be taking a break from marauding and pillaging on Tatooine in order to fight fires on Earth (which is uncharacteristically altruistic of him).
Looks like the tractor has gotten out of the way of the fire truck thanks to Abigail's deft driving.
Although C-3PO was programmed to function as a protocol 'droid, here he finds himself at the helm of an earth-moving caterpillar.
What a motley crew on their way to fight a fire! There's R2-D2 and a headless Darth Vader side-by-side in the front and a headless Rebel soldier, a Stormtrooper, and an IG-88 bounty hunter 'droid in the back. Good and Evil fight side-by-side when it comes to extinguishing conflagrations, evidently.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and a Star Destroyer Commander (enemies in the movies) pull over their caterpillar long enough to chat with the fire fighting gang.
Hillary takes the most faithful-to-the-movies approach to play: that's Han Solo in his own ship, the Millennium Falcon.
No farming or municipal equipment exist in Hillary's universe--just a spaceship, daring allies of the Rebel cause, and pink sweatpants.
OK funny how you left out the pictures of you and Susan playing with the Star Wars characters after the girls went to bed.
ReplyDeleteToo funny! (And I love the first comment above. :-) Is that Jeff Zander?)
ReplyDeleteAre you sure the characters were "talking" when side-by-side in the fire truck and caterpillar? It looks to me like the beginning of a drag race, ala "Footloose" :-)
Hey...read the synopsis of "Bully". Was it good? (I mean from a non-film-critic standpoint) It looked interesting...you know how much I love a little depravity in a movie...but was it a good movie or just a portrait of evil?
I love it! I, in years gone by, have watched all the star wars movies. In order! So I know about all the character, places, planets, etc. I forgot how many little action figures you actually had! How cute to see the girls enjoying them.
It's about time you got back to bid'nez!