
Friday, December 17, 2004


Okay, I get that it's a transitional year and everything . . . ready to be done with childhood, ready to move into adulthood . . . wanting to shed the authority figures of high school, wanting to sample the independence of college/work/life away from parents. I went through that, too. But I don't recall undergoing a complete personality change my senior year! Apathy didn't set in; I didn't stop doing my best work for the best possible grades. I didn't adopt an attitude of superiority and condescension toward my courses or teachers or classmates. I might have been impatient with high school, but I didn't consider myself above it.

So by now, you're assuming that I've got senior students who are behaving this way. Actually, no. If the seniors I teach are feeling any of this, they're hiding it pretty well in my classroom. It helps that I've got so many smarty-pantses in my classes; they tend to care about their grades and sign up for challenging courses because they're willing to work (well, tend to). It's just outside the classroom that I'm noticing their senioritis. And it's only December!

Any insight out there?

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