Do you know the Disney movie Madagascar? In it, penguins plan their escape from a zoo. One of them, to avoid detection, must hide among a bunch of similar-sized squeezy toys through which a woman is pawing, searching for a gift. She, of course, picks up the penguin and, thinking it's a toy, gives it a squeeze, whereupon it releases flatulence, which she assumes is the squeak of a squeaking rubber toy.
That's the background you need to understand this comment by Hillary. For whatever reason, she recalled this scene from the movie while I was driving her home from dance class the other night. To remind me what scene she was thinking of, she referred to it as the one in which "the woman farts the penguin."
"Farts the penguin." "Fart" as a transitive verb. I love it! It's not entirely tasteful to share that here, perhaps, but it's too funny not to.
children are crazy, and clever. i just found out how to comment on your blog today. flatulence is never funny, ask a nurse.