
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Do You Take This Man . . .?

My daughter, with her young ears, has heard wedding vows not quite the same way that I have. Last night she wondered about my being an "awfully headed" husband.

(Two points if you realized right away that she meant "lawfully wedded." Click "comments" below to claim your points.)


  1. I did figure it out, but I'd have to say that sometimes I HAVE and awfully headed husband. :-)

    Which daughter? Sounds like a "Hillarism"

  2. Actually, it started with Abigail, but I think Hillary shared the same misconception. (If they were older, I might suspect them of cleverly insulting me with "awfully headed" . . . that day will come, I suppose.)

    In any case, two points to you! You may collect them when I see you in March.

  3. I thought right away, also, that Hillary is the one that said it. How cue-ette is that! But yes, it was easy to figure out just what she was trying to say. How does the old saying go??? ....Kids say the darn 'dest things! Love, Sandy

  4. Love it, love it, love it! And for the record, I'd have to agree with Erin. :-)


  5. Okay, two points to you, too, Nicole. You also may collect your points in Minot. (Thanks for playing!)
