
Friday, January 22, 2010

Doing Well at Doing Good

Remember this? Well, today I participated for the first time as an official board member in a meeting of the board of directors of the Western Wellness Foundation. That organization has a lot of good-for-the-community programs going on. The main one is its mentoring program, which matches adult role models with area kids in need of a positive adult influence. I know a bit about it because many of my students at the university serve as mentors themselves, helping out the children who need it while gaining practical experience that will serve them well as future teachers.

Western Wellness Foundation also has a recycling program that earns money to support its work in the community while keeping tons (literally) of aluminum out of our city landfill each year. How did I not know that until now?! There was a city-run comprehensive recycling program where we used to live, so it took some adjusting when we moved here to stop separating cardboard and glass and plastic and cans from our other trash. Now we can at least recycle our aluminum (although we have to haul it ourselves to a collection site).

Anyhoo, it sounds like there are lots of events coming up throughout the year to fundraise for the organization and offer fun to the community, so keep your eyes open for related posts on Pensive? No, Just Thinking in the coming months.

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