
Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Quotable Hillary (and Explication Thereof)

Four Funny Things from Hillary's Mouth Yesterday:

"Mom, you're full of chickens."

While shopping in the afternoon, we stopped at White Drug, a local pharmacy with a pretty nice gift shop featuring all sorts of fashionable items for home decor. We browsed the collection of rooster-themed items for possible additions to our similarly themed kitchen. Here, Hillary was remarking that Susan already has quite a few rooster items at home.

"Daddy, boy angels have to wear dresses."

On our way out of White Drug, we passed a shelf on which sat a wooden figure of three angels--apparently a male adult, a female adult, and a male child, from the looks of things. Hillary considered it awhile before announcing what she has noticed over time about the uniform required of celestial beings.

"I am a hot dog right now."

Hillary was cuddling with me on the couch to watch Planet Earth last night in our customary fashion: me seated on the couch, Hillary on my lap, and a quilt covering us both. The combined heat emitted by our two furnace-like bodies grew too intense for her, and she wished me to know that she had reached the point of being "too hot."

"A girl's gotta say what a girl feels like."

After "full of chickens" and boy angels in dresses, the "hot dog" line was the final straw, and we all burst out laughing at Hillary's day full o' silly sayings. She liked the attention but wasn't sure what exactly she had done to deserve it. Therefore, she pointed out the spontaneity and necessity of spouting forth the things that pop into her mind.

(And we're so glad that she does.)


  1. Young girls (I.E. Hillary) are always so honest! ;) Just wait until she is grown up and really understands just what her last statement really means!

  2. So cute! My nieces and nephew are exactly like that! Jacob (my nephew) will NOT stop talking :) The randomness ensues! Glad to see you on here!
