
Saturday, April 11, 2009


Suzanna has been recovering slowly but surely (remember?), even weaning herself gradually from her pain medication--brave girl! She joined her sisters yesterday for some Easter egg dyeing (yep, three dozen hard-boiled eggs):

And today she felt up to joining her sisters for an outdoor Easter egg hunt! Jodeen (one of Susan's coworkers from church) and her husband Jerry (remember?) have been inviting children to their home for ten years to "search" for hundreds of "hidden" eggs in their yard--brightly colored plastic eggs filled with candy and treats, easily visible this year upon the snow-covered ground. Then the children and their parents are invited inside for juice, muffins, and other baked goods while they take inventory of the booty.

The gang gathers on the driveway before the hunt begins.

Can you spot any of the hidden Easter eggs? Hillary is using her keen eyes to locate and collect them.

Our recent nice weather has been melting some of the penultimately recent snowfall, so some of the actual lawn is exposed for Abigail to explore during her hunt for eggs.

Suzanna takes a break from filling her bucket with eggs to give Jodeen and Jerry's friendly cat some affection.


  1. I wish we as children had gotten in on some of this type of fun! I do remember the scavanger hunts around the inside of the house before church! And sometimes we had to wait until we arrived home again before we could look. It was very hard not to get a head start on the location before leaving the house!

  2. Ihad so much fun, and WAY too much candy!!!
