I forgot to mention that we attended an end-of-the-season banquet for
the girls' swim team Monday evening at the
Elks Lodge. We ate a delicious meal of crudités, salad, bread sticks and garlic toast, spaghetti, marinara sauce, al fredo sauce, chicken breasts, parmesan cheese, corn, and soda. After we had eaten, the coaches gave out various awards; our girls brought home participation plaques for the season and ribbons from the last swim meet of the season. Also, Suzanna and Abigail had their names drawn for door prizes and each got a T-shirt.
At the end of the evening, one of the coaches announced that he is stepping down in order to spend more time at his son's own extracurricular activities; and one of the high school-aged assistants reminded everybody that this is her last season helping, too, because she'll be moving away for university next year. The girls are sad to see each of them leave, but otherwise they felt that the banquet was an upbeat ending to a fun season.
Congratulations to the girls on all the awards! Looks as though they all got several! Good thing you didn't have to swim after such a large meal!