Arts on the Prairie sponsors a summer series of free public performances at the bandshell situated at the top of a large hill in this park, which happily is just a few blocks southeast of our house. Chuck and Reba had loaded a wagon with blankets, lawn chairs, and snacks for the kids. We had a blanket, sweatshirts, and lawn chairs of our own. Their three-year-old son Jack pulled the wagon while six-year-old Madeline visited with Hillary as they led the pack of us on our walk.
Tonight's performer was Todd Pechtl, who (the program told us) uses the stage name Neo Briggs and is available for private parties, weddings, and funerals. (Funerals? This guy sang Journey, Johnny Cash, Three Dog Night, and Clearance Clearwater Revival!) He sang solo with no one and nothing else on stage but a CD player to play the prerecorded background music to which he sang the lyrics. Hmmm. He was a fine enough vocalist, but he mostly served as background noise while Chuck, Reba, Susan, and I visited and the girls ran around the park playing with Madeline, Jack, and several other children whose parents or grandparents had dragged them to the concert.
The performance lasted about an hour-and-a-half, after which we walked back to Chuck and Reba's and had snacks: bowls of ice cream for the children, and salty, crunchy snacks and adult beverages for the rest of us. The kids play together often and get along great, and we always enjoy visiting with Chuck and Reba, who have great senses of humor and are generous folks. Chuck is a jack of all trades and is going to come over to fix one of our underground lawn sprinklers because, yes, doing so used to be one of his jobs, and he still has scads of equipment for that profession. Well, of course you do, Chuck; why wouldn't you?
Here are some picks of Todd/Neo, the bandshell, and the girls at the concert:

Chuck and Reba put all the kids' Kool-Aid in Jack's sippy cups for ease of transporting and for prevention of spillage while at the park. Chuck thought I should take a pic of nine-and-a-half-year-old Suzanna using a sippy cup for potential future blackmail or humiliation . . . a high school graduation slideshow, perhaps? a wedding reception?
Poor Todd/Neo and his sad little non-space-taking-up CD player . . .
The crowd looks a little sparse, but it really wasn't; people were just sitting off to the sides and behind us.
Funeral music? C'mon, he's perfect:
I'll Be Alright Without You
Who's Crying Now
Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)
Wheel in the Sky
Three Dog Night:
The Show Must Go On
'Til the World Ends
Joy to the World (cause every funeral should have a little "Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog")
Proud Mary (Catholic)
My Baby Left Me
Take It Like a Friend
Lookin' for a Reason
Need Someone to Hold
What Are You Gonna Do?
I think you should let your hair go like his...
I think someone else should think about Lock of Love
ReplyDeleteBrant: I see your cleverness is as big as mine. Now let's see how well you handle it!
ReplyDeleteJeff: GET! OUT! I thought the same thing.
My personal favorite song from the evening as a funeral song--"Burning Ring of Fire." Lovely sentiment to send off a loved one, no?
ReplyDeleteP.S. That should be Creedence Clearwater Revival.