
Monday, June 29, 2009

Suzanna's Buns Rise and Shine

Remember Suzanna's having made supper by herself for our family at the beginning of the month? Well, she has struck again--this time preparing breakfast for us! She had intended to do so yesterday, but she encountered a slight snag when she awoke and looked at the instructions for one of the recipes: she was supposed to have prepared the bread dough the evening before and let it sit out overnight. So Susan stepped in and whipped up an alternate but still delicious Sunday morning breakfast, and Suzanna got the bread dough ready last night in preparation for making breakfast for us today instead.

Suzanna got her buns out of bed bright and early this morning in order to pop the cinnamon buns into the oven on time (so that we could eat before the girls needed to be at morning swimming practice). Last night Susan set the oven to turn itself on this morning and be ready for Suzanna's use by 6:30 A.M., but Suzanna came to get me first to see if it was safe to bake the buns. They had risen quite a bit overnight, and Suzanna was alarmed by their towering appearance. I told her just to bake them and see what happened.

While they baked, Suzanna put together a fruit salad. When the buns were done, she served them and the salad with glasses of juice. A very tasty breakfast! (Some of the buns' tasty caramel sauce was pushed out of the bundt pan by the rising dough and dripped onto the bottom of the oven while baking, so we had a smoky house this morning! Didn't affect the taste of the buns, though.)

Cinnamon Bunnies: frozen dinner rolls, brown sugar, instant vanilla pudding mix, cinnamon, raisins, and butter. This is what they looked like last night before rising . . .

. . . and this is what they looked like out of the oven this morning!

Breakfast Salad: oranges, bananas, green grapes, and lemon juice. Refreshing!


  1. It was quite yummy! And now Suzanna gets to learn about the joys of a self-cleaning oven, too :-)

  2. Soon you will have a 4 course meal prepared by Suzanna at the rate she's going! Good job Suzanna!
