
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A Burst of Sun

Look what's growing on the west side of our house amidst the moss roses:

This spring, BP was offering free packets of sunflower seeds at its gas stations as part of a pro-environmental yet self-promotional campaign (the tie-in? its logo is a geometric representation of a sunflower).

So I picked up a packet, went home, and planted the complimentary sunflower seeds. Two plants popped up, and one just began to blossom over the past few days. It's the first sunflower that our daughters have seen up close (whereas I grew up with entire fields of sunflowers on surrounding farms in northwestern ND).

P.S. Those of you dragging your feet to put in an offer on the for-sale house across the street from ours are now out of luck. Today a "sold" sign went up in the yard, and our daughters immediately registered their wishes: "I hope they [the new homeowners] have a fourth-grader/third-grader/first-grader." We'll have to wait and see.


  1. Your moss roses have grown beautifully! Not to mention your overgrown Dandelion! (hee hee!) It's nice as well. What will you do with the seeds that are sown?

  2. I have those same seed packets but they never made it into the ground. I wonder if they will grow next year. I miss the ND sunflowers. All I have in my area are fields of corn. Just not the same as the sunny faces who used to great me.
