
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Georgia on My Mind, Day IV

Today was dedicated to a leisurely return to Dickinson from Atlanta. I slept in, did some work in my hotel room, checked out, took the hotel shuttle back to the airport, made it through security, walked the entire length of the airport to my concourse (as when I arrived in Atlanta, I had plenty of time and no need to ride the airport's inter-concourse railway), and then scoped out the eating places located on the concourse housing the gate for my flight. My pick: Phillips Seafood, where I enjoyed scrumptious seafood salad and delectable hush puppies.

I had finished one book on the flight to Atlanta and knew that I'd finish another partway into the flight out of Atlanta (read about both books--Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell and The Neddiad--here), so I made a stop at a shop to buy a couple magazines to occupy myself on the plane. My DSU colleague Kelly was on the same return flights, so when she arrived at the airport, we visited at the gate until it was time to board. We ate together at the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport at Axel's Bonfire, where I had a great sandwich and a cold beer. We sat next to a middle-aged couple from Boston, and that gentleman peppered us with sports trivia questions that anyone who knows me could guess that I was completely unable to answer. They were friendly folks, though.

Kelly was a friendly folk, too, waiting patiently with me for my luggage in the Bismarck airport when she, luggage in hand, could have hit the road and gotten to her mom's house (where she planned to stay overnight) in short order. It was a long, sleepy drive back to Dickinson for me, but I'm home now . . . and so happy to be here, no matter how enjoyable and worthwhile the conference!

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