
Monday, September 03, 2007

Start-of-School Photo Album

Faithful readers, you are accustomed to copious photographs of the Moberg children. Were you wondering how we could have neglected to snap pics of our daughters at the beginning of the school year? Then you have misjudged us! It is for you, dear reader, that I now share these photographs:

Hillary, Suzanna, and Abigail march off to school on Open House night.

First-grader Hillary at her desk and locker.

Third-grader Abigail (who has the same teacher this year whom Suzanna had last year, by the way) at her desk and locker.

Fourth-grader Suzanna at her desk and locker.

The lovely darlings posing the morning of the first day of school.

Papa Duck marching off to school with his ducklings. The girls' school is adjacent to the university campus, so in the mornings I've been walking them to school and then continuing on to work myself. After work, I've been picking the girls up at their after-school program (held at the school) and walking them home. We get lots of good conversation going during our walks!

1 comment:

  1. These photos make me remember back to when we were still school age. Mom always made sure to snap pictures of us on the front step with our supplies and then again on the school bus steps. And of course the bus driver had to be in the picture! (ish!)
