
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Camp Trollfjorden, Day 3

After getting settled in on Day 1 and getting underway with our classes and activities on Day 2, we found ourselves already wrapping things up today on Day 3!  Time really flies when one is busy all day and night, and today was another full day of activities.

Let's start again with the food, shall we?
  • Frukost: eggerøre og pølse ["scrambled eggs and sausage"], knekkebrød med gjetost og Jarlsberg ost, and frukt.
  • Middag: smorbrød [literally "butter bread," but it refers to open-face sandwiches that are put together to look as good as they taste], bete suppe ["beet soup"], lefse, and iskrem ["ice cream"] for dessert.
  • Kveldsmat: bakt torsk i hvit saus ["baked cod in white sauce"], stekte ["roasted"] poteter, gulrøtter ["carrots"], rundstykker ["rolls"], lefse, and krumkake med moltekremKrumkake is a cookie made by pouring batter into a special iron that presses a pattern into it.  Then one wraps the thin, warm cookie around a dowel before it hardens into a crisp cylinder.  In this case, the warm cookies were pressed into star-shaped tins to harden into cups, and they were filled with whipped cream (krem) with cloudberries (molter) stirred into it.
Frukost was preceded by a helse tur again.  Look at these beautiful sights along the path:

It was another rainy day, so we were quite content to be indoors studying language and working on our crafts.  One camper is from Tioga, where I went to school, and has known me my whole life, and she told a camp staff member that I can play piano; so I was asked to accompany the group in singing Regnværsangen ["The Rainy Weather Song"].  Grete and I had our names drawn for KP duty following middag, but I got pulled away from washing dishes in order to play the piano for the Norske sanger.  Shucks.

We finished our crafts today and set them out for "show and tell" this evening.  Here is what our family made:

Here is my friendly Viking, which I carved out of basswood, painted, and waxed.

These are wooden boxes with slide-out lids upon which Grete og Signe painted traditional designs.  The rosemaling on the left is Signe's, and the one on the right is Grete's.

On the left is Anna's Hardanger (still "in progress"), and on the right is Kaia's scrapbook.  It is made from several brown paper lunch bags stapled in the middle, and the open ends of them serve as pockets for individual projects that Kaia made.  The fronts and backs of the pages have photos, stickers, drawings, song lyrics, etc., on them.

This afternoon's cooking demonstration by Kari: the krumkake med moltekrem that served as dessert for kveldsmat.  After dessert, a group photograph, and "show and tell," Rolf (who directed the children's program last night) gave a presentation for tonight's program: storytelling using Norwegian folk tales.  Then we heard a few words from Brit, a woman visiting from Norway, who shared some details about Norwegian life and then taught us another dance that was a hit with the crowd.  After we were all exhausted from the dancing, we gathered to sing Aftensolen and retire the flag for the day before heading off to bed.

Here we all are, the Trollfjorden campers and staff!  Toward the left stands Grete with her hands on my shoulders, and mine are on Signe's shoulders.  Kaia is in the front in a blue T-shirt and black pants, and Anna is a little farther right in the second row wearing a pink T-shirt.

Here is Rolf in ethnic garb to tell Norwegian folk tales for the evening program.

This is Brit telling us about cross-country skiing in Norway.

Brit taught us a fun circle dance, but this happens to be a fun line dance that we did, too.  I am in the blue in the middle holding Brit's hand, and Anna is in the pink at the end of the line behind me.

P.S.  Compare the third day of camp this summer to last year's Day 3.

P.P.S.  Happy birthday today to my sister Cathy!


  1. Rolf's presentation has me interested in reading more Norwegian folk tales - perhaps I'll find some to borrow through inter-library loan!

    I enjoyed my first try at rosemaling -- but I don't think I'll make everyone give up a corner of the basement so I can set up a painting studio :-)

  2. The rosemaling was pretty! I would never know that you hadn't been doing it for some time. The whole weekend sounds so fun!
