If you've been following the saga of vacation Bible school this week (here and here), you'll be happy to know that it ended much better than it began.
With our house guests gone, I spent the morning gardening and mowing and getting our yard into a presentable state again while Susan was at church wrapping up Bible school classes and activities. We were all back at the church this evening for the finale, which happened at tonight's church service during which Susan told the congregation a little about what the children had done this week and then led them in singing several songs. Beforehand the kids and their parents gathered for pizza in the fellowship hall . . . meaning that after church, the fellowship hall lay waiting for us Mobergs to clean it up (wash tables, sweep floors, etc.). That wasn't so fun.
However, despite the stress that Bible school caused for Susan personally, the experience was a positive one for the kids. The theme of the curriculum that she used this week was "High Seas Expedition"; the Bible stories, the activities, the characters in the accompanying videos, the games, the songs, even the snacks had a sea-faring bent to them or were ocean-related. The kids enjoyed it; each day our daughters talked enthusiastically about Bible school, and so did the other kids whom I heard talking during supper tonight. So good work, Susan!
And thank God it's over.
With our house guests gone, I spent the morning gardening and mowing and getting our yard into a presentable state again while Susan was at church wrapping up Bible school classes and activities. We were all back at the church this evening for the finale, which happened at tonight's church service during which Susan told the congregation a little about what the children had done this week and then led them in singing several songs. Beforehand the kids and their parents gathered for pizza in the fellowship hall . . . meaning that after church, the fellowship hall lay waiting for us Mobergs to clean it up (wash tables, sweep floors, etc.). That wasn't so fun.
Susan (far left) addresses the congregation before a group of kids sings a song that they learned during Bible school this week.
And thank God it's over.
It's actually made me laugh at how one bad thing has inevitably led to another. Sorry....can't help but imagine how all the detailed events unwound themselves. But I'm glad you made it through the week unscathed!